Saturday, August 10, 2024


Ok, this one I do remember fairly well...

It was Thanksgiving Day, 2023. Beatriz had invited a bunch of us over to her place for Friendsgiving, and I wanted to do a totally scientific experiment. Everybody that was invited was a pretty good cook, and I could see some overeating in my future. My very near future!

So, lets just see what the impact of that actually is, shall we...

I woke up, and jumped on the bike, right away.

Pre-Turkey Burn

The zero, I call it. A 30+ mile road ride on zero calories.

The post-ride scale was my starting point.

Pre-Thanksgiving Dinner

Man, I sure was trim back in those days.

Then I cooked some mac-and-cheese. It was the same mac-and-cheese that was a hit at the potluck a few days earlier, but I was out of the noodles that I'd used before, so I used some different brand, and it didn't turn out so well. Barilla plus noodles for the win - for future reference.

My blood sugar was somewhere around 5 when I arrived at B's house. I felt legitmately weak, lugging in my casserole dish.

Good God, look at the spread...

Lovely Table Setting Friendsgiving Spread Friendsgiving Spread Cakes and Pies Friendsgiving Spread

I had a little of everything, then a little more. Then dessert. Then a little more dessert.

We had such a great time. Good food. Good friends. Good times.

But, at what cost? What cost!? I'd have to get home and stand on the scale again, to find out.

Daaamn... 4 pounds!

Post-Thanksgiving Dinner

I ate 4 pounds of food!

So, I guess that was the cost. I'm pretty sure I burned it off over the next week or so, though. I was super fit back then. These days my baseline weight is about 162. A pale, fat shadow of my former self...

At any rate, that was my super scientific Thanksgiving turkey burn study. I hope that I get to do it again this year and compare notes.

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