Thursday, September 20, 2012

Old Atlanta and Gary Pirkle Parks

This morning I got up relatively early and went exploring with my father-in-law. There are these two parks that I've ridden by several times but never had the opportunity to check out.

One was Old Atlanta Road Park. I noticed it a few weeks back when I was out that way on my road bike and needed a bathroom.

There was a water park there that first caught my attention. A few weeks ago it was one million degrees, the refreshing water was flowing and a dozen kids were cooling off. Today it was a little too temperate for that. Plus, school was in, so no kids either.

 Old Atlanta Road Water Park

I'd noticed a trail map there too...

 Old Atlanta Road Park Map

...but at the time, it was a little unclear whether bikes were allowed.


So, are they? It's not really clear.

I didn't risk it that day, just put it on the list. Today we crossed it off.

The trail was the standard, ditch-witch-cut wide singletrack, perfect for walking side-by-side with a friend, or father-in-law, whichever you have handy.

I think there was about a mile of trail there. The terrain wasn't spectacular, though the trail did cross lots and lots of drainages. I can see why it wasn't ever developed further. It'd have been a lot of work.

Not spectacular, but we enjoyed the walk nonetheless.

Next up, Gary Pirkle Park. Very different.

 Gary Pirkle Park Kiosk

There were a bunch of paved trails, winding around various ball fields or fields of other kinds. There was one unusual field, specifically designated for children under 12 only.

Sophie can play there. Iz cannot. Ha!

I think, after stringing all the trails together, we walked another 2 miles or so.

Again, not spectacular, but not bad at all, and we had a nice walk. Plus, I have more precious GPS data to enjoy.

Since neither park had clear bike signage, I called the park offices when we got home. Old Atlanta Road - no. Pirkle - yes! I called the Lake Lanier park office too and asked them about the Little Ridge Trail. Turns out there's no official stance other than "probably". Ok then.

All right, 2 more parks off the list and only a million more to go.

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