Monday, January 7, 2013

Jake Mountain

Yesterday we had our monthly work party at Jake Mountain and it was a good one. I think it was 21 degrees when we started but it warmed up quickly.

Debbie and Nancy and Jess took their horses down Jake to the switchbacks to transplant some young pines in an attempt to discourage crosscutting. Cindy and Val drove over to Bull to fix some signage and do some general cleanup.

Me and my kids, Kathleen, Emil and Neal had a couple of jobs to do.

First up, gravel patching.

Where the trails tee into FS 28 and 83, the last 10 feet of trail require regular patching. We have less to do each time, but there's always a little. Maybe 5 years from now it'll be totally solid.

 Gravel Patch

We also restored the drainage at the top.

 Restoring the Drainage

It had been getting filled in and channelling water down onto the gravel. We worked the turnouts all the way up the hill too until the soccer ball approved.

Oh, soccer ball! We love you so.

We had a pretty decent crew. Neal is a certified crew leader with RAMBO, Kathleen, of course knows what she's doing. The kids couldn't take the cold though and their contribution was less material than usual.

Cold children notwithstanding we made quick work of the gravel patching and, with two hours left before lunch, headed over to Beaver Pond to continue the finishing work over there.

For some reason there were a pair of port-a-potties across from 28A. No idea why. Who put them there? The rangers? Everybody but me used them. Iz joked about whether the contents would be frozen or not. This made Sophie run away with her hands over her ears yelling: "Disgusting thoughts! Disgusting thoughts!"

Crazy kids.

We hiked in forever. Like a mile or more. When we got to where we'd left off last time I did some rough deberming, Kathleen and Emil cleaned it up behind be and the kids sort of helped, a little, maybe, sometimes.


 Exposing the Backslope

It was beautiful.

Everybody in the world was up there for one reason or other. A bunch of riders passed us including a group with Terry Palmeri.


Once again, it proved impossible to do anything in the mountains without running into someone I know.

I haven't ridden my mountain bike since the CFiTT. I love trail work but oh, how I long to shred....



The lot was full of mountain bikers and equestrians alike. The campground was packed. There was a line of cars parked at the church. The little turnouts along 28 were full. I even saw the lady with the blue truck and the cute little white dog that hikes up there all the time.

Bull/Jake was the place to be, for everything. As it should be.

Cindy provided her usual glorious lunch spread and we all sat around for an hour eating and talking, mainly about the status of the move to address the parking situation.

While discussing this, we watched a lady drive up pulling a horse trailer, contemplate whether she could get it into the day use lot, decide that she couldn't, continue on and park in the campground.

Ha! Firsthand. It does happen. We seriously need a pull-through horse trailer lot.


It was great to see everybody, great to work with them, great to have Neal and Emil join us. Thanks everyone. Thank you so much.

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