Monday, April 10, 2023

Blanket's Creek

I forget the exact day. It might have been before riding Noontootla. One of those night, when I rolled around, I was always able to find another position to go back to sleep in. I made it through the entire night, in bed. Same the next night, and the next. After like 3 nights of that, I felt sane all day. I was able to work without breaks. I got on a road-bike kick last week and rode all over the place. I went for a run on Friday and it didn't redestroy my ankle. It rained on Saturday, but I got Glen to tune up my mountain bike.


Sunday, I was shredding Blankets Creek!

Dwelling Trail

Five laps around dwelling like we used to do back when it was the only trail at Blankets, and when Blankets and Yellow River were the only trails in Atlanta.

Apparently, I felt pretty good, setting a PR for the loop clockwise, AND a PR for 2 laps of the loop clockwise.

No jumps or drops yet, but nothing Dwelling could throw at me hurt at all.

Actually, come to think of it, sitting here right now, nothing hurts. Nothing is even uncomfortable. If I try to take a really deep breath, then my ribcage feels inflexible, which sucks, and definitely hinders my breathing during exercise, but that's the biggest problem I have at the moment.

I guess, also, I sustained a sleep injury. Having to lie in the same position for so many nights f-ed up my right shoulder, but even that is starting to improve.

I might be more or less knitted. I don't want to take any hits to the chest for a while, but things are looking up.

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