Saturday, March 1, 2025

Alpharetta Greenway

I want to say it was a mid-week ride, but I'm too lazy to look up the date...

Sometime, mid June, me and Raque rode the Alpharetta Greenway, after work, one day. At least I think it was after work.

It was a million degrees!


One million.

Me and Raque on the Greenway

We ended up getting passed by my old friend George Miko, but neither of os recoginzed each other until we both checked strava later.

I was pretty impresssed with Raque on the bike! She rode like 15 miles, from the Big Creek Lot to the north end, and back, with relatively little trouble. I think she was a little tired at the end, but not crushed, and not too sore the next day.

Man! We really should ride the greenway again.

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