Monday, October 17, 2022

Heritage Park

I went for a jog at Heritage Park again, the other day, and as I was walking down to the bathroom, I noticed this beautyberry growing next to the sidewalk.


Not sure how I never noticed it before, considering how many times I've been out there. The berries are theoretically edible, but I've never tried them. Maybe next time.

I had a reasonably good run, though I still feel beat-up after running. I do remember that that goes away. Sure wish it would.

This time, I ran all the way out to Ruff's Mill and back.

Ruff’s Mill

There's some muscle in my upper right thigh that I keep hurting, every time I run. A friend of mine showed it to me on a diagram. It's just this one little muscle, up there on its own. I guess it doesn't get much use cycling, and hiking is low enough impact not to hurt it. At the pizza place the other day, I was lamenting how I want to run more, but I have to actually give myself time to heal, and the universal response was: "Yeah, you're not 25 any more."

Heh. Yeah.

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