Monday, November 6, 2023

Blankets Creek

Late August, I did one of a hundred random rides at Blankets Creek. It would have been unremarkable except for two things...

First, there was a brand new pump track:

Blankets Pump Track

It was so new that bits of it were still soft and would just soak up all of your speed. Still, I pumped a few laps around it.

The other remarkable thing was that I broke a pedal.

Broken Pedal Shaft Broken Pedal

I ended up replacing it with one from an old set that I kept around even though they were going bad. That one then broke a week or so later. I then took the guts out of the other one from the same set, and then it broke a week after that. Then I found a set for like $20 on Amazon, and I'm currently riding one from that set and the other one that for some reason has never broken. I think the one on the left always breaks first because whenever I stop, I unclip my left foot, but don't always unclip my right. Like 9 times out of 10, I only unclip the left, and that twisting slowly eats up the seal or something, water gets in, etc.

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